Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Bowling Updates!

Due to some unforeseen events, we will be switching where we will be having the Junior High Bowling event.  We had previously said it would be at Gladstone Bowl, but it will now be being held at AMF Northland Lanes from 11:30 to 2.  Pizza will still be provided (free) and we can bowl until our arms fall off (or 2pm, which ever comes first).  The address is 217 NE Vivion Rd, Kansas City and it is right across from the Price Chopper.  Plan to arrive at 11:30 with an appetite.  Pizza should be there by noon.  Bring friends, neighbors and any random people off the side of the road, but most importantly bring yourself!!  Look for a flyer in the mail (if I have your address) at the start of next week...

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